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Lomography Black and White Berlin 400 35mm

  • Brand: Lomography
  • Name: Lomography Black and White Berlin 400
  • Formats: 35mm
  • Film sensitivity: ISO 400
  • Type: Black-and-white film
  • Availability: Available (Status 11/2018)
Copyright Photos: Lomography

The Lomography Black and White Berlin 400 35mm is a black and white film. It was introduced by Lomography in November 2018. Inside the cartridge is a German-made cine film.

The black and white film has a native sensitivity of ISO 400, but can be pushed up to ISO 3200, according to Lomography. The film material must be developed in a black and white developer (e.g. Rodinal or D-76).

The Lomography Black and White Berlin 400 35mm is only produced as 35mm film in a limited edition. One cartridge contains enough film material for 36 pictures with a common 35mm camera.


Developing the Lomography Black and White Berlin 400 35mm

If you want to develop the Lomography Black and White Berlin 400 35mm film, it is recommended to first develop several film strips with photos under the same shooting conditions. In doing so, you should try different mixing ratios and development times if there are no specifications from the manufacturer for the combination of developer and film. This can help to get the best possible result from the development process.

The film strips with the captured images are the result of the development process. The next step is to either have prints made in various sizes or to digitize. Photo labs usually offer the possibility of making prints in different sizes during the development process.

It is important to note that Lomography Black and White Berlin 400 35mm film has its own unique characteristics and is further shaped by the development process. By trying different development times and mixing ratios, you can further refine the film’s characteristic features and enhance its artistic impact.

Digitizing the negatives

To obtain the images from the film strips in digital form, digitization with a scanner is an important method. There are several ways to perform the digitization process. Photo labs often offer the digitization of negatives as a service, but one can also use a scanner for home use.

After digitization, one has a variety of options available, such as digitally processing the images or printing the results. The digital images can be shared in various formats on different platforms. Alternatively, one can opt for printed versions to get the photos physically.

Technical datasheet

Technical specifications of the film
35mm FormatYes
Release date2018
Country of productionGermany


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