
Bald wieder Filme aus Italien von Film Ferrania?

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Bald wieder Filme aus Italien?

Diese Meldung kommt jedenfalls aus Italien. Film Ferrania möchte Ferrania wiederbeleben und Filme produzieren. Zuerst soll der Ferrania Solaris FG-100 Plus (Farbnegativ) und der Scotch Chrome 100 (Diafilm) wiederproduziert werden. Angeboten werden sollen die Farbfilme in diversen Formaten, 110, 120, 126, 127, 135, 220, Super 8, Double 8, 16mm, 35mm und 70mm.

Mal schauen, inwieweit das klappt, wir bleiben dran und berichten, wenn es was Neues gibt. Wünschenswert wäre es auf jeden Fall, besonders an Diafilmfotografen, für die es gerade ja nicht so rosig aussieht, wäre mehr Auswahl gut.

Hier ist noch die Meldung aus dem offiziellen Newsletter für den man sich auf http://www.filmferrania.it/ registrieren kann.

Hello and welcome to this mailing list.
Just a few words to thank everybody who subscribed, although no more than a single brand is shown at the moment on the Ferrania home page.

We think it is worth answering some questions that often arise on the discussion boards we are also following.

As you know, Ferrania discontinued its photographic products some years ago and after that some buildings and equipments were dismantled or sold because the destiny of film seemed to be compromised forever after introduction of digital. Obviously we dream to put the film in a new era where it can live in symbiosis with digital imaging technologies.

After more than one year of work, we are finally trying to start again with a small production of film. But rescaling a production workflow is not an easy process: some chemical products are not available anymore on the market, former Ferrania workers and engineers must be involved again in a completely new production workflow, etc.

We worked a lot on many of the above issues and now we are proud to say that the moment is arrived of really making film.

Right now there is a six month R&D project aiming to produce a first Jumbo of film. If during this period we are able to solve all the remaining technical issues and if the market gives us a reasonable preliminary feedback, we will be ready to go ahead and ship new film in the first quarter of 2014!

Ok, now the question is: what kind of film?
We think it is better to start revamping the very last produced emulsions. The first two that we will make are a color negative film derived from Ferrania Solaris FG-100 Plus (only for still photographs) and a professional color reversal film derived from Scotch Chrome 100.

And which formats?
We have the equipment to finish film in almost all photographic and motion picture formats: 110, 120, 126, 127, 135, 220, Super 8, Double 8, 16mm, 35mm and 70mm but at first we will put on line only the ones that are requested by the market.

More details are coming, please continue to follow us!


The FILM Ferrania team

Copyright © 2013 FILM Ferrania s.r.l., All rights reserved.
You are receiving this mail because you asked for news at our website. Thanks for the interest!

3 Kommentare zu “Bald wieder Filme aus Italien von Film Ferrania?

  • Urban Hafner
    13. September 2013 um 17:25

    Ja, ich hoffe mal die machen das auch wirklich. Vor allem 127 Film wäre ein super Angelegenheit da ja Efke leider die letzten waren die 127 Film in Europa konfektionieren konnten.

  • Avid
    9. Oktober 2013 um 16:29

    Na, seit dem Post sind ja jetzt schon ein paar Monate vergangen. Gibt es schon was Neues?

  • Filmphotography.eu
    9. Oktober 2013 um 16:42

    Nach unseren Informationen gibt es noch nichts Neues.
    Vor 2014 ist wohl mit noch nichts Vorzeigbaren zu rechnen.

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