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Fujifilm Superia Reala 100

  • Brand: Fujifilm
  • Name: Fujifilm Superia Reala 100
  • Formats: 35mm
  • Film sensitivity: ISO 100
  • Type: Color negative film
  • Availability: Production ended (05/2017)

The Fujifilm Superia Reala 100 is a color negative film. It was manufactured for 35mm film. Fujifilm has discontinued the production of the film. It has a sensitivity of ISO 100.

The color film was targeted at the premium market. It was advertised as the sharpest and finest grain film in the Superia family.

The Superia Reala 100 is developed using the C-41 process. This development process is offered by most photo labs.

There was the color film with 36 and 24 frames.

Fujifilm Reala 100 120
The medium format version of the film

Technical datasheet

Technical specifications of the film
35mm FormatYes
Development processC-41 / CN-16 / CNK-4 / AP-70
Country of productionJapan

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