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Fujifilm Natura 1600

  • Brand: Fujifilm
  • Name: Fujifilm Natura 1600
  • Formats: 35mm
  • Film sensitivity: ISO 1600
  • Type: Color negative film
  • Availability: Production ended (06/2017)

The Fujifilm Natura 1600 is a color negative film. It was sold by Fujifilm on the Japanese market. It was specifically offered for Fuji’s Natura cameras.

The rated speed of the color negative film is ISO 1600. It is the basis for color images. Its high sensitivity makes it well suited for low natural light photography and images taken without flash.

The development of the Fujifilm Natura 1600 must be done in the C-41 process. This development process is standardized. It is offered by the vast majority of photo labs. For example, you can take the color film to Rossmann and DM for development.

The Fujifilm Natura 1600 is available for the 35mm format in Japan. In Germany, you can reach for the Superia 1600 as an alternative.


In May 2017, Fujifilm announced the end of production of the Natura 1600. As an alternative to the high-sensitivity film, you could most likely reach for the Kodak Portra 800*.

Technical datasheet

Technical specifications of the film
35mm FormatYes
Development processC-41 / CN-16 / CNK-4 / AP-70
Country of productionJapan

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