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Lucky Luckycolor II

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  • Brand: Lucky
  • Company name of the brand: No. 1 Film Factory of The Ministry Of Chemical Industry
  • Name: Lucky Luckycolor II
  • Formats: 35mm
  • Film sensitivity: ISO 100
  • Type: Color negative film
  • Availability: Production ended (Status 05/2023)

The Lucky Luckycolor II is a color negative film. It comes from Chinese production. No. 1 Film Factory of The Ministry Of Chemical Industry is listed as the manufacturer of the color film.

Luckycolor II is a negative film for color images with a specified sensitivity of ISO 100. The ISO value indicates how sensitive the film material is to light. A high ISO value allows the use of fast shutter speeds or small apertures, which can be convenient for freezing motion or shooting in low light conditions.

ISO 100 is a moderate ISO value and is good for everyday or recreational shooting. In normal daylight or well-lit environments, the Luckycolor II film can produce good results. It offers a balanced sensitivity that can reproduce both details and colors well.

It is important to note that a lower ISO value such as 100 means a lower sensitivity to light. Therefore, in low-light conditions, Luckycolor II film requires longer exposure times or larger apertures to capture sufficient light. In such situations, a tripod or additional light source can be helpful to avoid camera shake and improve exposure.

Exposure of expired film material

Since fresh film stock of the Luckycolor II is no longer produced, only expired film stock can be found. It is important to note that film that has passed its expiration date is not automatically unusable.

The age of the film stock can have various effects on the images. A common consequence is a change in the colors, which can manifest itself in color shifts. Colors may appear more muted or altered, and unusual hues may appear. Nevertheless, such changes can lead to interesting creative effects that some photographers deliberately exploit.

Another effect of expired film is a possible increase in film grain. In addition, expired film may result in lower contrast in images. Shadows may appear flatter, and details may be less precise. However, with careful exposure and development of the film, an attempt can be made to compensate for this loss of contrast.

Developing the film

After the Luckycolor II film has been exposed, it is important to develop it. During this process, the film must be protected from light until it is developed. Development can be done either in a photo lab or at home using special chemistry. The development process follows a standardized procedure that is the same in all photo labs. After the development process is completed, you will receive film strips with the developed images.

It is possible to digitize the negatives afterwards or to make prints of the images. Many developing labs offer the option to make prints of the images in addition to the developed negatives. To further process the photos digitally, scanning the film strips is an option. There are a variety of devices to choose from that are designed to digitize negatives. These devices vary in features and quality, and there are options for every budget.

Availability and Alternatives

You could buy the Luckycolor II for 35mm format. With one roll of the color film, you could press the camera shutter 36 times. There are a variety of manufacturers that produce suitable cameras for 35mm format, including Rollei, Yashica, and Contax. There are also other cameras that are suitable for use with 35mm film.

Fresh material from the film is no longer available. You could replace the 35mm film with Kodak Gold 200*. Of course, you won’t get the same results with this alternative.

Technical datasheet

Technical specifications of the film
35mm FormatYes
Development processC-41 / CN-16 / CNK-4 / AP-70
Country of productionChina

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