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Club Color NCS 400

  • Brand: Bertelsmann
  • Name: Club Color NCS 400
  • Formats: 35mm
  • Film sensitivity: ISO 400
  • Type: Color negative film
  • Availability: Production ended (Status 05/2017)

The Club Color NCS 400 is a color negative film. It was distributed by Bertelsmann. In addition to the 400 film, there was also an ISO 100 and ISO 200 film.

The nominal speed of the color negative film is given as ISO 400. It is the basis for color pictures. Today, the film should be slightly overexposed. The reason is that film loses sensitivity over the years. The film is intended for daylight images.

The Club Color NCS 400 must be developed using the C-41 process. The C-41 color negative process is standardized. Thus, development in a photo lab is easily possible. For example, you can take the color film to Rossmann and DM for development.

The Club Color NCS 400 was available for the 35mm format. Production of the color negative film was discontinued. A possible alternative to the color negative film is the Kodak Ultramax 400*. This can be used in 35mm cameras and is designed for color images. The film is processed using the C-41 process.

When storing unexposed analog film for the long term, it is critical to consider external conditions to avoid image quality degradation. A warm climate or humidity can have a negative effect on the film material.

The best place to store film is in a dry, dark and cool place. If you want to store film for a longer period of time, you can freeze it in the freezer to preserve image quality, even if the expiration date has passed. However, it is important to pack the film rolls airtight to avoid moisture.

Exposed films of Club Color NCS 400 should be developed as soon as possible to avoid possible deterioration of image quality.

Technical datasheet

Technical specifications of the film
35mm FormatYes
Development processC-41 / CN-16 / CNK-4 / AP-70

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