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Reviews of analog cameras and films.

Photo: PNG Design / Unsplash

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VSGO Camera Sling Bag 3L Review
How does the VSGO camera bag perform? Is the Sling Bag 3L from the Chinese brand a recommendation?
VSGO Camera Sling Bag 3L Review
How does the VSGO camera bag perform? Is the Sling Bag 3L from the Chinese brand a recommendation?
Pixl-Latr film holder Review
The Pixl-Latr film holder is a modular accessory for digitising films. - Does it make digitisation easier and is it worth buying?
TourBox Review
Edit your pictures digitally faster - this is supposed to be possible with the TourBox. How does the device perform?
Fujifilm Instax Square SQ1 Review
How does the instant camera perform in our review and for whom is it worth buying the Instax?
RiutBag Crush Review
We test the RiutBag Crush, a lightweight daypack with theft protection. Is it worth buying and does it make sense for photographers?
AgfaPhoto APX 35mm Review
Review of the AgfaPhoto APX 100 New and APX 400 New
How do the new black-and-white films, AgfaPhoto APX 100 New and APX 400 New, perform in the test?