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In 1930, the toy company was founded in New York. Since then, over 5000 different toy products for children were developed and built. In 1993, the company was integrated into Mattel as a subsidiary. In addition to, among other things, stuffed animals, playhouses, vehicles and building blocks, cameras for small photographers are always offered.

Today, of course, these are digital cameras, but until the mid-2000s, cameras were produced for photographic film. Either 35mm film or 110-pocket film was used. To appeal to the young target group, the models are very colorful. So that nothing can go wrong, the cameras are robustly built from plastic and very easy to use.

In terms of quality, of course, you should not expect miracles from the plastic cameras. The advantage of the film cameras, compared to the very simple digital cameras, is of course the larger recording medium and the influence through film selection and development. This means that theoretically better results can be achieved with film cameras.

More important than image quality, however, is probably the awakening of creativity and interest in photography among young users. So it is very likely that for many of today’s photographers a Fisher-Price camera in youth and childhood, the entry into photography was.
Photo: Chermiti Mohamed
An overview of the cameras of the toy producer.