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Konica LV 100

  • Brand: Konica
  • Name: Konica LV 100
  • Formats: 35mm
  • Film sensitivity: ISO 100
  • Type: Color negative film
  • Availability: Production ended (Status 08/2014)

The Konica LV 100 is a color negative film. It was sold under the Konica brand. The film was aimed primarily at amateur photographers.

The LV 100 is a photographic film for color images. The film speed is specified as ISO 100. A good use for a film with such a sensitivity are pictures taken during summer vacation.

If you get your hands on a roll of film today, it makes sense to expose the film a bit more. The reason for this is that films lose sensitivity over the years. Depending on how it is stored, this process is intensified. The best place to store film is in an airtight container in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. Storage in a place with a lot of light and a high temperature should be avoided in any case.

Development of the film

After the film has been exposed, it must be developed (C-41 process). Until then, it must not come into contact with light. The service of development is offered by most photo laboratories. Sensitivity does not have to be specified at the time of delivery to the lab. The development process is standardized and the same for all sensitivities.

Availability and alternatives

The LV 100 was only available in 35mm format. At a size of 24 x 36 mm per frame, it was possible to take 36 shots. The film cartridge of the 35mm film was equipped with a DX code. Modern cameras can read this code and set the film speed automatically. However, it can also be exposed without problems in old 35 mm cameras.

In the meantime, color film is no longer produced. The Kodak Gold 200* could be a replacement for 35mm film. This has a higher film speed, but still delivers nice results with the right camera. One of the conceivable alternatives in 120 format is the Kodak Ektar 100*. Neither film is a direct replacement for Konica’s film, of course.

Technical datasheet

Technical specifications of the film
35mm FormatYes
Development processC-41 / CN-16 / CNK-4 / AP-70

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